Should School Start Later?

Paris Prada
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

After reading different comment sections about whether the school should start early or later, I have concluded that school should start at 8. Many students agree that this is based on personal preferences, some people might like to start their days earlier, so they could end it earlier as well, having time in the afternoon for their friends and other extracurricular activities. Some agree that having school too early could cause different difficulties, like not paying attention to the first period, or simply starting to hate school. Therefore, people do agree that sleeping more time and starting class at 8 would be beneficial for both health and academic performance in the students. If they have more time to sleep, then the students are able to understand their first periods and improve their grades. But this is only for the students who believe that starting school later is beneficial.

As a controversial topic, others agree that starting school early is okay. Many are already set for starting school early, that way they could end it earlier too. People think that we should have time to socialize and spend time in other activities, instead of spending all of our lives at school. So, it is a debatable topic. Men tell that they spend little to no time in the morning trying to get ready, while girls usually spend time doing their hair, makeup, and deciding on an outfit. So the decision could vary from either gender and personal opinion.

What do you prefer, waking up early and going to school? Or, starting the day later but also getting out of school later?

