Everything about Ghosting

Paris Prada
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Ghosting is the new trending term that refers to abruptly cutting off contact with someone without a warning or explanation. Even if the person ghosted tries to re-interact, they only get silence and no words back. The term ghosting is used as it refers to vanishing like a ghost. This term is used mostly in romantic scenarios, but it can actually refer to any scenario like friendships or family relationships. This term goes back to around 7 years ago when it became a trend, and it became an official part of the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2017. The term has been used as far back as the 90s, and pop culture writers and scholars have used the term to describe ghostwriting in hip-hop music.

Many believe this is a new term, but ghosting existed even before the digital age. It references going for a loaf of bread never coming back. Ghosting is used as a reference to someone leaving a person and moving away without them.

This term gained popularity as it began to refer to online dating. With higher numbers of people ghosting or simply leaving people in online dating without notice, the term became a trend.

Why do people ghost?

Two primary reasons why people decide to ghost another. First, it is an easy route. It is the fastest and easiest way to leave a person you are not interested in maintaining contact with. The person that ghosts often wants to avoid the confrontation or dealing with the hurt feelings that they might occasion, they prefer to avoid awkwardness. Second, internet dating, comes with infinite possibilities as opposed to the ones when you walk into a bar and have limited options. And as there are many choices, the online daters have the feeling of “ok, next” quicker. Therefore, ghosting is again in the hands of the online daters to continue exploring and not just talking to the same person.

The impact of being ghosted:

Ghosting can have a deep and real psychological impact on the person ghosted. It can be experienced as a sudden loss, especially when it’s the first time you have been ghosted. The person might be shocked and in denial, believing that the person did not see their text, or they just simply forgot to reply. Along with these feelings, the person then might experience low self-esteem, as they coil eventually begin to reexamine their relationship and re-read messages looking for the flaws. The person might experience the feeling of, the person not only did not want to talk to me, but I was not worth enough to receive an explanation.

Are there any alternatives?

As a way of avoiding the easy route of ghosting someone, then it will benefit both parties. The best thing to end a relationship, it does not matter if it is a long or short relationship, it is to treat the other as you would like to be treated. It is best if you add some sweetness before ending the relationship completely. It is best to give an explanation, a short, sweet, honest, and end with the relationship in a conversation. Furthermore, it is almost inferred that there might be a negative reaction or maybe a victim position, but it is way better to end a relationship this way.

Ghosting became more commonplace during the digital age, and it is because it is easier to end relationships. Think of ghosting as an impact for both sides, and it is on your hands to treat the other with empathy and honesty. If you are ever ghosted, it is normal to feel confused, but believe it or not, there is a high chance that it was not your fault. If you ever feel threatened or uncomfortable by someone, then you don’t owe them anything. Ghosting might be on some occasions intelligent, and it might be a way of self-protection against people that might potentially put your life in complicated situations.

