Authentic Personalities?

Paris Prada
4 min readAug 12, 2020

Personality tests emerged with the social media industry, with them sponsoring different tests that claim to be able to find a category you can fit into. These personality traits assure that you can feel identified with one of the categories that they offer. The process for selecting your personality begins with answering a series of questions, as you answer them the program will decide which personality you fit into. With these tests a doubt has arisen, can we all classify into a single category of personality?

Humans through time have been classified in many different ways and not just in personality. For centuries we have divided ourselves by race, age, disability, and more. Humans feel a need to classify with society and we tend to accommodate ourselves to the thoughts of others. Several centuries ago the idea was created that the horoscope classified people according to the moment they were born. It is believed that the horoscope is the connection of humans with the different angles of the planets and astrological events. Many wonder how things beyond our reach can decipher how we act and think. This is why many have also been questioned as to how it is possible to fit into a category of personality according to a test.

I did the “16 personalities test” to figure out which category best suits my personality. The test consists of 50 questions that decide what your personality is. After having answered the questions I was classified as “Advocate” and a series of letters that allocate me into a subdivision called, “Turbulent Advocate”. “An Advocate is someone with the introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging personality traits.” (16 Personality Test). According to the test I tend to approach life with deep thoughts and imagination. This test describes my personality as a rare type, being less than one percent of the population. This personality tends to see the others as the purpose in life and is often trying to solve issues so people should not be reduced at all. “Though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain.” (16 Personality Test). According to the page being a turbulent advocate means that I am more likely to question myself and not being able to manage my stress. This type also tends to be led by emotions and passions to accomplish things in life. Turbulent advocates tend to criticize themselves more when they don’t get what they want and can become extremely worried about their abilities. This type of personality also tends to consider the opinions of others and let them be influenced by them. This test includes a lot of information according to my personality and beliefs. In addition to the description of my personality, the test describes my strengths and weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, parenthood, career paths, and workplace habits.

After reading my results I could feel a certain connection to some of the things said, but there were others that I could not feel identified. This test gives an overall description of what this personality is and describes how I act around others and how I think. Having something that describes your personality completely might be scary, as this is your way to act and it is supposed to be unique. I believe that these tests of personalities might not be 100% accurate. As I read some of the comments that the platform displays, I concluded that many people believe that these tests might describe and understand yourself. Unlike these people, I had many doubts about whether just 50 questions could define me as a whole. When answering the 50 questions one can be biased towards an answer, and as humans it is natural. many times we do not like to show our defects so we try to show another side. Besides, the questions refer to specific moments. In my case, I tend to be an extrovert with my social circle but also an introvert when starting new conversations. I believe that I am not the only one that happens this and that is why some questions can be a bit confusing when answering.

Is it possible to fit into a single personality? According to the “16 Personality tests”, you will be fitting into only one category. After having read 2 more categories, I also felt identified with what they said. For this reason, I believe that the descriptions of each category can be very general and give aspects of many personalities. As humans, we tend to react differently on certain occasions and environments. That is why I think that a 50-question test can’t define you in a single division and with the name of a personality. Personality is a combination of characteristics, skills, and qualities that make you a unique identity. Still, the test provides the information and classifies me into a category in which another percentage of the population might fit in. The test also contributes to informing that some celebrities have my same personality, like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Lady Gaga, and Morgan Freeman. I found this information interesting and I am flattered to be like people who have impacted the world. Although I think this information is very general, we all have things that make us unique. So I concluded that these personality tests cannot describe you as a whole. These tests can be a guide to structure a personality, but they cannot identify you as an authentic being.


